VII. Planets
A. Star System Map
Thus far, combat and movement discussions have been limited to provinces. For the first many days of your adventures in Shattered Galaxy, this knowledge will suffice. Before too long, however, Morgana Prime will feel too small, too limited to quench your ambitions for glory and power. Then it will be time to abandon your relatively secure home for the riches offered by the galaxy.
Star System Model
In the lower left area of the screen is a real-time, three-dimensional model of your current star system. Buttons allow you to rotate the model, zoom in and out, and to examine the status of the star system forward and backward in game time. You can also rotate the model by dragging the mouse while holding the right mouse button down.
Left-clicking on a planet will select it (see VII.A.2 and VII.A.3, below), double-clicking will zoom in on that planet. Left-clicking anywhere else will zoom out to view the entire star system. The planet you are on flashes red. A selected planet flashes blue. Grayed out planets are those which have cannot yet be colonized.
- Interplanetary Distance Map
Directly above the Star System Model is a linear representation of the proximity of the planets. The Interplanetary Distance Map shows the distances of the planets based upon the current state of the Star System Model. If you look ahead in time, this diagram will change to reflect the new conditions.
To the far left is the Active Planet, which is initially the planet you are currently on. The x-axis of this diagram is distance. The further to the right a planet is on the diagram, the further it is from the Active Planet. A vertical bar shows the maximum distance you are able to travel given your faction's technology. Therefore, there may be times when you can reach another planet and times when that same planet may be out of reach.
- Planetary Status Window
The right section of the screen shows detailed information on the selected planet, including distances and planetary attributes. [Not fully implemented]